Finding Moments of Calm Through Jewellery

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how my surroundings have a significant effect on my day-to-day life, and in particular, on the work I create in my studio. Over time, I’ve come to understand how physical and emotional states influence creativity and focus; paying closer attention to this connection and learning how to better nurture each is something I’m always striving towards. I try to begin each day by embracing those aspects of my surrounding that put me at greatest ease in order to set the tone for a calm and productive day.

Horizon Line Earrings
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It may be evident from some of my work that I really like being near the ocean. There’s nothing that brings me more peace than looking out into a vast expanse of water and sky, and to hear the constant and mesmerizing sounds of the ocean. Although I live in the city, I try to spend as much time near the water as possible. All winter I’ve been training for the Bluenose Half-marathon, and I usually plan my running routes to include even a short distance alongside the water. Whether it’s a quick jog along the Halifax waterfront, and a more scenic route with an ocean view from Point Pleasant Park, my morning run is the calmest part of my day. Embracing a few minutes by myself to focus and reflect during my morning runs creates mental clarity that sticks with me throughout my day and follows me into my studio

Halifax Harbour, Halifax, NS

In my jewellery designs, I often draw upon my early morning “zen time” as inspiration. I attempt to capture a sense of calm and visual rhythm through the use of repeated forms and lines that draw the eye along an undulating course. I want my work to conjure the soothing familiarity of the ocean, and to serve as reminder to refocus and recenter as needed throughout the day.

I’ve always been drawn to jewellery less as an accessory, and more as a wearable memento of a person, place, or even a feeling. I designed the Wave Collection drawing upon the ocean as inspiration, but I hope you can find your own personal meaning and connection with each piece that brings you some form of comfort, joy, or peaceful reminder.

Swell Bracelet
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Soft Curve Ring
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Swell Drop Earrings
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 I encourage you to take a look at the jewellery you have, and to consider what type of connection you have to it. It’s completely okay to appreciate jewellery for it’s aesthetic appeal–I certainly have some pieces in my personal collection that I love because of how they sparkle, or the color of the gemstones they feature. Nonetheless, I think it’s worthwhile to consider the power of our adornment to serve as daily reminders of what’s important to us. We don’t always need our smartphones to send us scheduled prompts to take five minutes to breathe or meditate; something as simple as a subtle visual cue that you carry with you everyday can sometimes be enough to help us find a couple moments of peace.

Swell Bracelet
Shop here

Horizon Line Choker
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Teardrop Earrings
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Soft Curve Rings
Shop here

Thanks for reading! :)